How Tiny Fund Works
Choose your Portfolio
Choose from any of the available portfolios whose strategies you'd like to copy.
Connect your Wallet
Based on your chosen portfolio options, we’ll prompt you to set up the required exchanges and securely connect your exchange wallets.
Your wallet automatically buys and sells positions
Fund your wallet, and Tiny Fund will automatically notify your exchange wallets to place and exit trades.
Why Choose Tiny Fund
Consistent Growth, Low Risk
Grow your money steadily by copying top-performing portfolios, delivering 3-5% monthly returns while minimizing risk.
Hassle-Free Setup
No trading expertise needed—automate your money's growth by copying high-performing portfolios in real time.
Affordable & Transparent Pricing
Access top-tier trading strategies for as low as $10/month, without hidden fees or unnecessary complexity.
Built for Speed & Scale
Start with as little as $100 and scale up at your own pace. Tiny Fund helps you grow efficiently, with a focus on quick and sustainable wealth-building.
What Our Users Say
"Autopilot has transformed how I manage my day. I've gained back at least 2 hours daily."
Sarah K.
Marketing Director
"The seamless integration with my existing tools made adoption incredibly easy."
Michael T.
Software Engineer
"I was skeptical at first, but now I can't imagine working without Autopilot."
Jamie L.
Small Business Owner